DCH Fearless Women's Conference 2024: Unstoppable
October 26th, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Address: 1203 Cravens Rd – Stafford , TX 77477
Click here to watch the conference live on YouTube!
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Meet our Guest Speakers this year:
Stephanie Ike Okafor
Stephanie's profound teachings are impactful and transformative, changing the lives of many on a global scale. Under the leadership of Pastors Touré Roberts and Sarah Jakes Roberts, Stephanie serves as the Executive Pastor of ONE LA.
Manouchka Charles
Shares her profound testimony of how God miraculously translated her “From coma to marathon”. Manouchka is one of the dynamic pastors at the Vous Church, Miami. Listening to her is absolutely transforming!
Jessica Oyelowo
Jessica’s creativity, passion, work, family experiences, and living as a dedicated Christian woman in Hollywood (an actor herself), married to a Hollywood star (David Oyelowo), while both raising a godly family will make learning from her a tremendous blessing at Unstoppable!
Sandra Babu Boateng
Founder of PanaGenius TV, listed one of Forbes Awesome Black women, she amplifies Black stories and people making history. Learn from inspiring stories she has encountered and how she has been able to balance life as a young multi-entrepreneur, wife and mother of 3 young ones.